Highlight opening of the week

With Summer blockbuster Season coming around the corner this weekend we get a little taste of what is to come as well as a generic Tyler Perry movie in this week's Highlight films of the week. 

Ready Player One
Ready Player One is the latest film from the great Steven Spielberg based on the 2011 book by Earnest Cline of the same name. It stars Ty Sheradian as Wade Watts who spends pretty much all of his time inside a video game(like myself) called the oasis that allows the player to be anything they want to be. When the creator of the game dies he leaves behind three easter eggs for a player to find, and whoever finds all of them first will own the oasis. if you are a fan of 80's nostalgia this should be the film for you. I personally can't wait to be blown away by the visuals, here's hoping it will be a good high experience.

Tyler Perry's Acrimony
Tyler Perry's Acrimony is the latest men ain't shit film from Tyler Perry starring Taraji P. Henson, who will play the wife of a cheating husband who is now out for revenge. This seems like the basic premise of a tyler perry movie so I am not too excited for it. I have not been a fan of Tyler Perry for a while (probably since like Diary of a made black movie) it just doesn't seem like he cares so why should I, but I know he has a huge audience that will go see anything he puts out. 

So not many big films opening this week. Pretty much the calm before the big summer blockbuster storm. So are you gonna blaze and catch any of these films? Any film that you think should have been highlighted?Let us know by commenting below. Be sure to follow us on twitter @Stonereviewz and like us on facebook Stoner Reviewz for the latest in entertainment news from a higher perspective. Blaze it!


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