High-Light openings of the Week

Highlight openings of the week 

Well, doesn't look like I will be using a lot of bud this weekend. This weekend we are only getting four big national releases, and only one of them sounds like it may have the chance of being good.

Tomb Raider

Easily the biggest film of the weekend. Tomb Raider is a reboot of the older Jolie films and is set to be based more on the newer rebooted games. The movie looks like it may have the potential to be the first good video game movie, but after assassins creed, I gave up on video game movies. Hopefully, Tomb Raider won't blow my high.

7 Days in Entebbe 

Is a film inspired by the true events of the 1976 hijacking of an Air France flight en route from Tel Aviv to Paris, the film depicts the most daring rescue mission ever attempted. From the trailers, it doesn't look too bad, but early reviews make me feel like this will be a downer for sure.

Love Simon

To be honest, I didn't know this, or the next film was coming out this weekend.  The film is about a 17-year boy who hasn't come out yet but is starting to fall in love with an anonymous classmate online. The movie doesn't really have my attention. I'll see if I get high and bored enough to go and review this one, but seems like a movie that would be well put together.

I Can Only Imagine 

This film is a faith-based film based on the story behind the popular Mercyme song of the same name. Its a faith-based movie so I'm sure it'll do great at the box office, but this film would be a skip for me. I just wouldn't feel right blazing then going into it.

So are you planning on seeing any of these films? Let us know by commenting below. Make sure you follow us on twitter @Stonereviewz and on Facebook to stay up to date on all the latest news from a higher perspective


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