New Gods Movie Directed by Ava Duvernay- Quick Hit News

To us comic book nerds the new gods is something we wanted to see on the big screen for awhile, but will Duvernay do it justice.

A lot of sites are reporting that Director Ava Duvernay will direct a film for dc focusing on the New Gods of Apocolypse. That's right that would mean Darkseid, Big Barda, Mister Miricle, and my personal favorite granny goodness. Now I don't think they have said if it will be a live action or animated, but with Duvernay behind it, i would assume it would be a big live-action film, which kinda throws some red flags to me. 

1st, Ava is coming off  Wrinkle in Time Which was a terrible movie story wise and visually did not impress my high ass. This is terrible because right now DC movies generally suck because of poor visuals and stupid story, Doesn't really sound like a match made in heaven. 2nd, DC yet again has announced another random film, now its time to see if they actually do anything with it. DC has announced as many movies as blunts I smoke every day, and yet we only know when Aquaman will be coming out. Sounds like a lack of direction which is never good. Now I hope DC does get their shit together and do feel Duvernay has had good films, but for now, I'll smoke a bowl so i won't get too excited. 

 So are you excited about the possibility of a New Gods film directed by Ava Duvernay? Who do you think should play Granny Goodness?


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