Tomb Raider Movie Review

After Assassins Creed I lost all hope for video game movies, hopefully, Tomb Raider can restore my faith.

Tomb Raider Starring Alicia Vikander and Directed by Roar Uthaug. It's a reboot of the old sexy Jolie films and is now all aboard the woman's revolution making Laura Craft a strong female role model now. I personally loved the new rebooted games and got the feel from the trailers that they would follow the games so I sparked my blunt in hoping it would be good.


The story was so-so. It was kinda boring at times and the overall plot felt really stupid at the beginning, but I believe it smoothened out some over the course of the movie. The story was kinda hurt by being based off a game because they tried to incorporate game elements into a movie which turned out to be a terrible choice.


The characters in the movie are pretty much all bland except for Laura. Vikander did pretty well in the role she was given and the character was pretty faithful to the game character in some ways, although she does make some really really stupid choice in the movie that would have made the situation a lot easier. The rest of the characters are not even memorable. Her dad, boring. The villain, just as boring, the Asian love/not love interest useless. This movie really lacked on character development for any character not named Laura Croft.


I saw this movie in IMAX and I’ll say it was worth it. It isn’t the most beautiful movie and does have its flaws( near the end) but overall I thought it held up enough. It did a good job of taking my high ass to the fictional island and made me feel like I was going through the obstacles with her as well at times.

Faithful to the games

Overall the film did a good job of capturing elements from the game into the movie bring back memories of me staying up late playing this game while lifted. The boat scene and the plane scene both feel snatched from the game The story was a little shaky and the movie felt like it came to a standstill a lot which is not something you want out of your big blockbuster movie.This movie gets a 2 and a half blunts out of 5. It isn't the worst video game But it certainly isn't the savor of them. But hey, if they made another one( and trust me they want to make one so bad) I’d spark up a blunt and go watch it.

So do you think this film saves video game movies? Would you rather get high and watch this or play the game instead? Let us know and make sure to follow us on Twitter @stonereviewz and on Facebook Stoner Reviez to stay up to date on the latest in news from a higher perspevtive.


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