Unsane Movie Review

The horror thriller that was shot completely on an iPhone, hopefully, it's not as cheap as it looks.
Unsane is the latest movie by Steven Soderbergh that was shot completely on an iPhone camera (and probably some software we cant afford). The movie Stars Claire Foy as Sawyer who is paranoid that her stalker is still following her, but when she tries to get help get locked into a mental institute, now if you don't need a blunt after a day like that. 

Could you tell it was on an iPhone?

I mean it was shot on an iPhone 7 plus, of course, you can tell it was shot on an iPhone. as soon as I saw the trailer I could tell that it was just someone shooting on the iPhone it looks like a straight to CW film, but it was impressive how good Soderbergh could make it work though. I can't even get a good 30 second snap from my iPhone, but his ass can make a feature film and get it nationally released with his.  If only I had that kinda talent, but anyways, Soghher made a big deal about using the iPhone and thinks it could be the future making films. I highly doubt that shit but using this style for this film worked. Having an iPhone means closer shots which helped make the movie fill more personal almost as if you are the main character trying to get out of that nut house. 


Now we all know on those nights were you cant blaze before bed, and get those terrible nightmares where you are trapped in a looney house and cant get out, or maybe that just me, but anyways that's what this film is. The way she gets locked up is kinda comical and hard to believe she allowed to get that far, but after that, you instantly want to get out of that crazy house just as bad a Claire does. The film does a great job of making you feel for the main character, but also makes you question whether or not she is actually crazy or not until it is revealed later on in the film. Some people might think this is a horror film, but don't go in expecting jump scares. This movie is more unsettling and disturbing than it is horror.


Overall I think the cast was great in the film. Every character, Especially the hospital staff,  played their parts well and hell they had me convinced that they actually worked for a crazy house before. Additionally, Claire's character really makes a lot of stupid choices in the film to get herself in this situation. From the decisions, she makes to her attitude Its just not what you would do in this situation. It really laughable at times how’s stupid she is, but hey it’s a horror movie so what do you expect.

Although I would not want to see another movie from an iPhone on the big screen for awhile, I really liked this movie. It kept me entertained, It made me feel as if I was in her situation, and most importantly of all, it didn't blow my high. Ill give Unsane 4 out of 5 blunts. If you can I suggest seeing it in the theaters the dark room and load speakers will help with the other experience of the movie.

Did you like this movie? did it inspire you to grab your iPhone and try to make a film? Let us know by commenting below. Be sure to follow us on twitter @Stonereviewz and like us on facebook Stoner Reviewz for the latest in entertainment news from a higher perspective. Blaze it!


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