Top 5 Best Movies of Quarter 1

"First quarter of 2018 is over, so let's take a look at the movies so far that I was glad to get lit too"

With the summer blockbuster season fastly approaching, the first quarter of 2018 for film fans has come to an end. We had some movies that made us regreting rolling up and going to the movies, but we also got some films that were worth getting stoned for, So I think its only right to give some of these films some love. These are the top 5 movies of 2018 so far that blew me away. Now I am no superman, so I didn't really see everything that came out, so this list will be only based on movies I have seen. But before I get to my top 5, I'll give an honorable mention to Unsane and Game Night for just missing my Top 5.


Annihilation is a movie I did not review, but it barely manages to slip into my top 5, mostly due to not much competition around this time of the year. The movie received pretty mixed reviews from critics and fans, but overall I thought the film was pretty good to get lit too. it has a pretty good story that may confuse some people, but once you watch the film again you'll get it more and this movie gets better.  The visuals are good, not out of this world, but still good enough to please my high eyes which makes it good enough to be number 5 on my list.


Pacific Rim: Uprising did receive a lot of bad heat, but I knew what I was getting into when I got lit to see this and was highly satisfied with what I got. Is the story great? fuck no. Are the characters great? Hell no. But did I have a blast watching those robots fuck shit up? hell yeah. I did want more from this movie but it did enough to make it as the number four spot on my list.


Ready Player One is probably of the most beautiful movies visually to come out this year, as well as having a great story to go along with it. Whether you are into 80's pop culture, video games, or neither you will probably find some enjoyment in this movie. It is just one of those films that you have to see over and over again just so you could see all the different characters that are in it, and each time still having a great time watching the movie.


A Quiet Place is quickly becoming one of my favorite horror films in a while. It was close to being number one on my list for how well it was put together. Throughout the movie it has you gripped to your seats and holding your breath trying to make as little noise as possible because you feel like you are in the movie yourself going through what the family is going through. This story was great and had some help from the incredible performances put on by the cast that makes it an easy choice to make my list of best movie so far. Like I said I wanted to give this movie the number one spot on my list, but then I remembered was the other option for that spot and put this at a close second. 


Black Panther easily takes the number one spot on my list as the best film we have seen so far this year and it's probably safe to say it will probably be on a lot of other peoples lists as well. Another movie I did not review, but this was by far the best high experience I have had all year in theaters. It wasn't only a great movie but a huge cultural phenomenon that has destroyed records during its time in the box office. Good to see some diversity in the top movies of the year, and to me, Black Panther is clearly the best movie of the first quarter of 2018.

So that is my list, but what is your top 5 movies so far? Any movies you feel are underrated or overrated? Any movie you think I missed that I should check out? Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms by hitting them below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the 420 crew. Blaze it!


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