A Quiet Place - Movie Review

"If they hear you, they will hunt you. Guess I shouldn't have hit this loud before going in then"

A Quiet Place is a movie by John Krasinski, who also stars in it alongside his wife Emily Blunt as a couple along with their kids who are trying to survive after an alien species that is drawn by sound. Now the family must live in absolute silence or be hunted. A premise were the cast can not talk very much sounds like a hard thing to do in this day and age, but somehow Krasinski was able to pull it off.


A big reason why he was able to pull off a great movie was that of the work him and the other members of the cast were able to do with this material. John and Emily are a couple in real life so of course the chemistry would be there, and they were able to do so much in the film while barely saying a word. Emily was by far the stand out in the film and acted her ass off in the movie, and deserves some recognition for pulling off some of the hardest scenes in the movie and making them believeable.

Another thing that stands out to me would be their kids in the movie. Children actors can be a distraction in the movies and get on some people nerves. There is one that will piss everyone off in the movie (luckily he gets his early), but for the most part, the other two kids are great in their performances. Millicent Simmonds is probably the start of the kids playing the deaf daughter in the film, and it also helps that she is actually deaf in real life, which helps her in this role as she doesn't really have to do much acting just be natural and you and feel it throughout the film.


The concept is nothing new, but the way that Kraskinski was able to pull it off really is something. they waste no time to getting into the film starting 89 days after the event, only giving backstory through newspaper articles leaving you to piece the history for yourself. Some people probably won't like that but I was all for it, anything to get the story going. Once the movie starts everyone in the theater got into it and became silent with the film. Yes there are your basic jump scares in the movie, but any jump scares in the  movie was amplified due to the fact that everyone was so quiet sitting there waiting for something to happen and when something finally made a sound it gave everyone that "shit they done fucked up now" reaction, hell someone sneezed in the theater and I nearly jumped out of my seat. This movie lives up to its name and any sound they make in the movie makes you nervous that it might be their last. this movie made going into it high worth it, I know I wouldn't survive very long in this world at all.

Best Horror Film of the Year?

Although there are some plot holes in the film, this movie is by far the best horror film of the very young 2018, and probably one of my favorite movies of 2018 so far. I normally hate watching films where I have to read subtitles, nothing worse than having to read while you're stoned, but it did not bother me at all and kept me entertained throughout the film and made me want to see more. I'd smoke 4 and a half out of 5 Joints to this movie. Its a must see in theaters cause the way the sounds are amplified really adds to the suspense. This is a really great film, I guess if you want to make a good horror movie, get someone with a background in comedy. It worked for Get Out and Jordan Peele, and now it has with former office star John Krasinski in and this film.

Have you seen A Quiet Place? Do you think you will be able to stay quiet for the rest of your life? Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms by hitting them below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the 420 crew. Blaze it!


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