Avengers: Infinity War- Movie Review (Minor-Spoilers)

"The movie that has been 10 years in the making is finally here,  I think am going to cry"

Avengers: Infinity War directed by the Russo Brothers is the end of the Marvel universe as we know it as Thanos, played by Josh Brolin,  finally gets off his ass to retrieve the infinity stones for himself in order to wipe out half the universe, but Captian America, Iron Man, Thor, and the other heroes that we have come to love may have something to say about that. This movie features pretty much every hero from the MCU that has been introduced to date, so we all knew we would be in for a thrill ride, but could the Russo brother pull off what many felt to be too ambitious and make a good movie with so much going on?  Could they make one of the best movies of the year with so much pressure? Boy did they.



The biggest problem people feared about this movies was the fact that they were going to have to fit 30 plus characters into a 2 and a half hour movie and giving them enough time to please the fans, but they did a great job with this movie. Each character has scenes where they are featured that are memorable and kinda leaves you wanting more from them. now some characters like Thor and Gamora I believe get more screen time than some of the more popular people (if you are going for Black Panther only he is not featured heavily) but that is because these characters play key parts to the movie. The relationship between Gamora and Thanos is great in the movie and is key to getting the soul stone, and the point where Thanos is forced to kill her  to get it you really feel the connection between the two characters and almost cry with thanos.

Like I said there is a lot of characters in this movie fighting for screen time, but it was great the way the Russo brother directed this movie. Characters were more split into groups with different activities taking place in different location, which could be confusing to some, but overall it was easy to follow and keep track of who is where and why. You get to see different teams up with Cap and Black Panther in Wakanda. Ironman, Doctor Strange, and Spiderman battling Thanos on Titan. Thor getting his new hammer with the guardians and many more different scenes with different heroes that were like a dream come true. No there is never a scene where you see all the heroes in one spot for an epic battle, but I feel that is something they will leave for the next movie. I tip my joint to the Russo Brother for being able to pull off something of this magnitude and making it as good as it was.


There is no question about one thing, this is Thanos' movie 100%. He owned this movie. He is by far Marvels best villain to date and might be up to there with the greatest villains of all time. From the moment he appears you know he is the real deal once he starts beating hulk ass to the point where the hulk is scared of him, That's right the hulk in this movie refuses to come out even when Bruce gets angry because he is scared to fight Thanos.

The best villains are the ones who think they are doing what is right and he is the perfect embodiment of that. His plan to wipe out the universe seems harsh at first but once he starts to explain and shows proof that killing half the people will help, you kinda start to side with him. It was sad to see a lot of the Avengers "die" like spidey, Panther, and the guardians but by that point, Thanos had convinced me that it was for the good of the remaining life and I was cool with it. Thanos is a villain that we have been waiting to see since we first some him not do shit in the first Avengers, and he was definitely worth the wait.


This is definitely a movie you want to blaze before and see in Imax cause it is stunning to watch. The CGI on Thanos is perfect almost having me believe that they actually found a giant purple man to play him.  They also did a good job for the looks of the Dark order, and although they were not perfect like Thanos they looked pretty damn good. From some scenery, the villains, and the heroes this movie looks fantastic and you can tell they took time and a lot of money to make this epic movie look amazing. 


It's honestly hard to think of things that really blew my high from this film. I can nit pick and say that the scenery was shakey at the time especially during the whole conversation between Star-Lord and Iron Man was noticeable on Titan, and whenever Bruce Banner was in the Ironman suit you could tell that it was CGI, but other than that nothing really bothered me about this movie.

Some people were fearing that if you aren't invested in the MCU you might not get the movie and I can see that happening, but I feel they did a good job of making it to where you don't need to really know everything to understand the stakes at hand. You just won't feel as invested as the harcore fans feel when people die.


This is what I was waiting for. This is what I was expecting from this movie, and I am so happy I got baked to go see this film, and cannot wait to see it 3 more times. I say smoke 5 out of 5 joints to this film, get as high as possible and this film will blow you away. The only bad thing is that we have to wait a whole year before we get the conclusion to this story.

So have you seen Infinity War yet? What did you think about the movie? What was your favorite scene from the movie?  Any characters you were sad to see die? Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms by hitting them below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the 420 crew. Blaze it!


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