Rampage -Movie Review

"A giant monster movie should be the perfect stoned experience, but could Rampage deliver"

Rampage is the latest giant monster blockbuster starring a giant man in Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, an as a primatologist who discovers one of his favorite apes has been exposed to a chemical turning him into a giant and sending him on a rampage through the city. It is based on the old arcade game of the same name which followed a group of monsters whos only purpose is to destroy the city. The game doesn't have much if any, story to go with, so could this movie make something out of nothing and possible give us a good video game movie.uhghh


Like I said the game didn't give the film much help when it comes to story, so the writers needed to come up with something that would not only make sense but also be entertaining from the source material and that really didn't happen. This movie just seems like they watched a few giant monster movies and then copied and paste it into this movie. Nothing is new in this movie, hell if you saw the trailer you saw this film. I can't really think of anything that made this movie stand out from your generic giant monster movie, which didn't even get to the rampaging until damn near halfway through the movie. honestly, they shouldn't have been worried about trying to make a good story with this film and just followed the game's direction and just have a bunch of monster fucking shit up, then maybe this movie would have been better.


Just like the story, the characters were probably just as bland as this script. Dwayne is by far the best character in the movie mostly because you know he's The Rock.  He was his usual charismatic and wisecracking guy for most of the movies and managed to keep me entertained, but I cant say that about anyone else in the movie.

Every other character in this movie is one dimensional and you do not care about any of them. They give no one in this movie much character development unless you are Dwayne or the CGI monkey, they really wasted the talent they had in this movie. And the "villains" in this movie have to be the most boring and generic villains you could have in a movie, I personally hated everytime they appeared on screen, especially the brother played by Jake Lacy who was a cartoon character that did fit the tone of the movie at all to me.


With the bad story and characters, this movie really had only one other thing that could redeem this movie and make it worth the time to get high and go see this and that is its visuals which didn't completely fail. The monsters look pretty decent throughout the movie which is good. yeah sometimes they looked cheap and sometimes the green screen was really noticeable, but the visuals weren't soooo bad that it blew my high or anything( that's what the other parts of the movie were for).

Overall this is just a bland movie that does nothing new or interesting. Visually this movie is okay but no game changer at all. You will most likely forget that you even saw this movie by next week. I'd smoke 2 joints out of 5 for this movie. You don't need to rush out and see this movie, and if you really want to watch some rampaging and destruction just watch man of steel they destroy way more stuff in that movie than this movie.

So have you seen rampage? What were your thoughts about it? Would you rather it be more like the game a just a bunch or rampaging? Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms by hitting them below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the 420 crew. Blaze it!


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