Truth or Dare 2018 Movie - Movie Review

"Every year it seems Blumhouse manages to release one of those horror films that take us by surprise, so I mean there's hope for this movie"

Truth or Dare is the latest horror flick that Jason Blum probably produced for 5 bucks staring Lucy Hale as Olivia who is tricked into playing a game of truth or dare with her friends that has deadly consequences. Jason Blum always throws out one film every year that seems like a piece of shit but somehow surprises everyone, with last year being Happy Death Day and Get Out, so many people were hoping although the film didn't look great maybe it could be a surprise hit. Welp, don't get your hopes up.


This film flips from wanting to be a true horror film or being a funny horror film throughout the majority of the movie which doesn't work. There were several scenes where someone would die and not even 10 seconds after someone makes a joke that doesn't really fit whats going on. Leaves you wondering whether we are supposed to be laughing at them or feel bad for them.The movie's premise of a deadly game we all probably played when we were younger was a cool concept, but they failed when it came to the tone of the movie.

The confusing part of the movie just doesn't stop with the tone, but the story all together is pretty stupid. As usual the characters make dumb decisions that only horror movie character will make, and when they start to play the game the rules kinda seem to change and they make even dumber decisions throughout it, and the climax of the movie just feels like the director dug deep up his ass to pull out some type of ending on the spot.


Typically in horror movies, you get the generic horror movie characters, and this movie is no different. Pretty much everyone is a stereotypical character. We have your mean girls, your slutty one, the gay one, the stupid jock with only the black friend who dies first and the stoner missing (maybe they should have hired me to fill both).

 None of the characters are really likable at all with Lucy Hale character being someone you start to like at the beginning, but you quickly realize her character is an asshole just like the rest of them. When they were starting to die you felt kinda glad that you werent gonna have to deal with them anymore, or maybe that was just me.


Coming into the movie I didn't think this movie would be all that scary from what I saw, and it did a good job of proving that right. They resort to the most basic jump scares you can think of throughout this film. You can see them coming from a mile away, and most of them are not even that scary. It's like they thought the joker wannabe looking faces where just so scary that it would scare you alone. That is definitely not the case as they look laughable at times in the movie. I'll admit though. there was one scare in there that got a good jump out of me, but for a horror movie you gotta do better than this.


I cant say I was disappointed in this movie since I really wasn't expecting much, but I did not have the high experience I was looking for. It's not really scary and It's not really funny kinda in between leaving you wishing you had more from a somewhat cool premise. I'll give this movie 1 and a half joints out of 5, maybe something you wait to come to Netflix and watch fucked up for Halloween. Hopefully, the next low budget Blumhouse movie will be the hit.

So have you seen Truth or Dare? Did you find this movie any good? Would you rather pick truth or dare?  Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms by hitting them below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the 420 crew. Blaze it!


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