Deadpool 2 - Movie Review (Spoiler Free)

"The Shit talking, Gun slinging, forth wall breaking Deadpool is back for the sequel and this time he is bringing along the X-force with him, I should have worn my white pants"

Deadpool 2 directed by David Leitch and of course stars Ryan Reynolds as the merc with the mouth himself, Deadpool, as he tries to become a better man by protecting a young mutant from Cable, a mutant from the future who is out to kill the kid. Deadpool realizes that cable might be too tough to take on alone and decided to create a super team of his own in order to kick some ass and save the day. I am a huge fan of the Deadpool character and absolutely loved the first film, so I was more than ready to spark up and see this film. The first one was a huge success, but could this one live of to the massive hype the first one created or was the first one just a once in a lifetime movie that can't be captured again? Well, that's why I am here to tell you all the highs, all the downers, and everything in between about Deadpool 2 and whether or not you should give this movie a hit or not.


Laughs For Days 

The first Deadpool might go down as a classic for me with how perfect they got the Deadpool character and because of how funny it was, but the second one did a great job of almost matching the great high experience I got from the first one. This movie had tones of jokes that will have you laughing hard, especially if you get all the references they make, but if you aren't the hippest when it comes to pop culture stuff you will still get some good laughs from it.

They do a lot of the same type of jokes from the first one in terms of fourth wall breaking and crude humor, but they manage to make it fresh, unique, and don't really fall into the sequel stereotype we get from most comedies. Is it as funny as the first one? No, I don't think so, the first one was just done so perfectly that it would be hard to top it. But there are loads of laughs to be had from this movie for sure,

Deadpool and the X-Force

Now since the movie is about Deadpool so, of course, he was gonna be the main focus of the movie, and Ryan Reynolds did an amazing job of playing the hero perfectly. There are only three characters I never want to see recast: Robert Downey's Iron Man, Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, and definitely never recast Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool. He is the living embodiment of what Deadpool is, was, and always should be which is why he is so great in the movie. He just plays the role so perfectly and is so funny as Deadpool that it would be a crime to ever recast him. he was born to play this role and he does so very well. God, I love that man. Now with that being said, Deadpool is not the only character that I loved in the movie. 

I absolutely loved the Domino Character played by Zazie Beetz. She proved that luck is definitely a superpower after all, and it damn sure is cinematic. She was the highlight of pretty much every scene she was in, and when they showed her using her powers is was so good that I wanted more. After test screenings, people were asking for more of her scenes, which they did put more in, but they still did not put enough in if you asked me. If they ever want to do a solo Domino movie, I would certainly be down for blazing and watching it, as long as they keep it in the same tone as Deadpool 2. 

Stepped up the Action 

Probably the biggest downer for me in the first film was that I felt it lacked on the big action scenes until like the end of the movie, but Deadpool 2 made sure that I did not have that issue again. They really stepped up the action scenes and the fight scene between Colossus and another character that I don't want to spoil was really good. this movie really earned that R rating too this time, taking cues from movies like Kill Bill with how violent it was trying to be. It wasn't as violent as kill bill, that pretty hard to top, but it damn sure was close to it.  They did a good job of balancing the action and comedy throughout the film and made it a really fun experience to watch.


Not enough Cable/ Original Cast

Going into this movie everyone thought this would be the summer of Thano..... I mean Josh Brolin. He blew everyone away as Thanos and has the upcoming Sicario: Days of Soldado that looks really good. We were all expecting him to kill the role of cable in this movie and although I thought he was great in the role, I was left feeling they could have done more with him. They should have given us more backstory with his character for sure to flesh him out a little more rather than just him being the man who appears and kicks ass, which he does a lot of in the movie. I'm not saying he was bad in the movie and that he had no development at all, he was a great character, I just felt they should have done more with him. But I can also say that about some of the other characters in the movie as well. 

Some of the cast from the original movie such as Colossus and Dopinder were used perfectly in the movie, but some of the other people that I loved in the first one were underutilized. Mega sonic, Blind Al, and especially Morena Baccarin's character Vanessa were good in the movie, but they could have been used a lot more for my liking because they were a big part of why I loved the first movie(and for some of them there's a reason why they aren't used, but I'll leave that for my spoiler review). Even though I felt some characters were underutilized, they still were pretty good in the movie with what they had to work with.

So So Story

If there was one thing I would be willing to forgive in Deadpool it would be the story, which I gotta say wasn't the greatest thing in the world. A lot of people were comparing it to T2 and it did borrow a good bit of stuff from there which kinda made it seem a little dull and predictable, while still managing to make it a unique story. I don't think the story is a piece of shit, but I do think they could have done more to make it a little more interesting.


Do I think Deadpool 2 is as good as the first one? No, and I wasn't expecting it to be. But I sure as hell had a damn good time watching this movie. It is up there as probably 1b to the first one just missing overtaking it as my favorite.  It had my high ass rolling from opening credits to the post credit scene and pretty much everyone did a great job. Even the cameos they had were unexpected and hilarious as well. I'd say that Deadpool 2 is definitely Worth a Hit, hell maybe even multiple hits and is a must see this summer. PS make sure you stay for the post credit scene it is by far the best one I have seen. You don't have to stay for all the credits, but don't miss that shit!!!

But hey that's just my high opinion of the movie. The important thing is what did you think about Deadpool 2? Did you like it better than the first one? Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow Blazed Reviews on our various social media platforms by hitting the buttons below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the 420 crew. Blaze it!


  1. 123movies to - Well... the stench from Hollywood has reached an all time high with this one. It didn't take long after the movie started to realize the language had already turned me off. I was thankful we had no children with us. The story line was very good, but, as usual, Hollywood can't seem to offer America anything but filth. Very disappointed with the stars in this movie even allowing them to write such mess for them. I wasted my time and money on this one... Hollywood has just got to do better...
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  2. My only complaint for this movie is with the young kid (played by Julian Dennison). He switches sides so many times. First he's bad then he's good then he's bad then he's good. It's like pick a side already! m4ufree And popcornflix


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