Deadpool 2 Review - Spoiler Session

"Spoilers Ahead"

Deadpool 2 is by far one of my favorite movies of the year so far sitting right up there with Infinity War and A Quiet Place. There were so many great moments and now that the movie has been out for a little while we can talk about all the juicy bits we saw. So if you didn't notice the title, this is a spoiler session where I will talk about the highlights of the film and not give a shit about spoilers. So if you haven't seen the film you can check out my spoiler-free review by clicking here, and then come back once you've seen the film, unless you just don't care. So with that out of the way, let's get to some spoilery shit.

Highlights of the Film (Spoilers) 

The Many Cameos 

With any superhero film, you can expect there to be one or two cameos that happen, normally the infamous stan lee cameo. Although we didn't get the traditional stan lee cameo and had to settle for a brief glimpse of him on a painting that domino passes by, there are plenty of other cameos that caught me by surprise. The most shocking one by far had to be Brad Pitt as the mutant and X-force member vanisher. I had no idea he was anywhere near this film, so when he finally appeared in his true form it was shocking(pun intended)

Another huge cameo that was not advertised, but had rumors of happening was that The Juggernaut would be making his return to the big screen. Instead of getting a big beefed up man playing him, this time we got a full CGI version of him that. although not the best to look at, was far better than the rendition we got from Vinnie Jones in that garbage that is X3 movie. The character was much more like what we would expect from him in the comics, and the fight scene with him and Colossus was one of the best action scenes in the movie(Although I do wish we would have gotten a better one on one with him and Deadpool). Some other notable cameos were Matt Damon as a redneck and finally seeing other X-men in the house such as Professor Xavier, Beast, Quicksilver, and others who I couldn't even see because they went by so fast. Deadpool 2 is definitely worth going see a second time not only because its a great film, but also to try and spot the different cameos. 

The X Force in action (sorta)

One of the main things that they emphasize heavily the marketing for the movie was the fact that we would be getting Deadpool and the X-Force. They showed off a few action shots of characters such as Terry Crew's Bedlam, Shatter Star, and the greatest hero of them all Peter, so you would have thought they were gonna play a big role in the film, but nope that did not happen.

During the plane scene was probably one of the funniest moments in the movie when the "X-Force" Jumped out and met their match at the hands of the wind.  Each member jumped out of the plane and each one besides Deadpool and Domino. died in hilarious fashion, which was so unexpected. You had Bedlum getting hit by a bus, Shatterstar getting shredded, and even vanisher getting shocked by powerlines. Yes i did want to see some of the characters in action, but their death scenes was well worth it for the laughs I got from it, Besides Peter he did not deserve to have his arm taken off by the acid spitter(but luckily something happens that made up for it that ill get to in a bit).

The Greatest Post Credit Scene Ever

Now the scene that pretty much everyone has been raving about is the awesome post credit scene. I was kinda worried that I would be disappointed the way everyone was hyping it up, but I was wrong and it was totally worth the wait. So after the events of the film and Cable breaking his time watch, in the post credit scene, Mega Sonic and her girlfriend Yukio repaired it only for Deadpool to take it for a little spin and fix a few mistakes that happened in both the movie and real life. He starts by saving Vanessa who died very early in the movie(which was a bummer), and then saves his favorite X-force member Peter and lets him know that this field might not be for him. The best part though comes when he goes back to X-men Origins: Wolverine and gets rid of the terrible version of himself that still haunts us all. For his final time jump, he tried to do us all an even bigger favor and went back in time into the real world to shoot himself, Ryan Reynolds, before he could make the abomination that was Green Lantern (if only that really happened).  This movie was filled with laughs, but the best and most creative one I believe definitely came after the credits rolled and we got this masterpiece of a post credit scene. 

So these are some of the spoilery moments that stood out to me, but what's really important is what stood out to you? Which part of the movie was your favorite? Did you catch all the cameos? Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow Blazed Reviews on our various social media platforms by hitting the icons on the page to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the 420 crew. Blaze it!



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