Show Dogs (2018) - Movie Review

"A movie about a dog that's a cop and his partner, Well that sounds fun, Not"

Show Dogs. Okay, let's get this out the way this movie is not very good and I think we all knew this.  It's directed by Raja Gosnell who is the same man that brought us such classics like Home Alone 3 (shittest of the 3), The live-action Scooby-Doo franchise (Shit) and the Smurfs movie (Ultra Shit) so we kinda knew where this movie was gonna go.  It Stars Christopher "Ludacris" Bridges and Will Arnett (who both clearly just wanted a check) as a dog, Max, and his Human Partner, Frank, respectively as a  team who are on the case of a messing panda that forces them to go undercover in the national dog show to crack the case. Just by the synopsis alone, you can tell that this movie probably won't be that interesting,  but just how bad could it be? I'm gonna tell you all highs, and all the Downer that made this movie bad and let you know whether or not this is the worst film of the year or not. 


For the highs, we have to start with? ummmmmm wait a second.....
OH wait got it!

Plenty of Dogs

Its hard to find a person(unless you're allergic) that doesn't love dogs and Show Dogs are full of them. They have every type of dog you can think of in this movie. They have Pugs, Shepards, Yorkies and plenty more breed to catch your eyes.  I love Rottweilers and Ludacris does the voice of the main character Max who is one and the dog is gorgeous. The dogs are the focus of the movie which they should be and they dogs themselves do a good job in the movie. If you love looking at dogs trust me this has plenty to look at.  


A Bad Movie Straight From the early 2000s

As I mentioned early,  this the same director that brought us a lot of the movies we probably grew up with back in early 2000, and he must still think he is in that time period because this movie is the perfect example of the trash that we grew up with. From the cheesy plot to the terribly outdated Dialogue this movie feels like someone went back in time and brought this back with them just so we could see how far we have come. There is nothing that is really interesting in this movie at all. Will Arnett you can tell does not want to be in this movie and is terrible. I'm sure Luda just recorded all of his lines while he was taking a shit and sent it in because he does not seem care either. They even dragged Shaq into this movie as a Komodor who is only there to spit out some of the dumbest and most confusing lines, and even tried to pull a Deadpool and broke the fourth wall as himself that was not funny at all (and that's saying something if Shaq is not funny)

And speaking of not being funny, i Honeslty dont think this movie made me laugh at all, well at least not on purpose. The jokes are either outdated and boring dog puns or they resort to that basic lazy comedy garbage. OH, lets have Will Arnett fall all over the place, Oh let's have the dog fart, Oh let's have the dog put his ass in people faces thats what people like right? Hell no. When I was in the theater I was the only person without a kid in there so felt kinda weird, but none of the kids that were in there were laughing at this shit. There was like one or two kids and there dumbass parent that was cracking up at everything, but the majority of the kids were not into these jokes which kinda gives me hope for the future.

Story That Goes Nowhere 

I already knew the story was probably going to be boring, which it was, but it also went all over the place and had situations that were either useless or just plain dumb all over this movie. Now I'm gonna say some stuff that might be kinda spoilerie, but you know damn well you aren't going to see this movie so its alright. The way they set the movie up is that the dogs are supposed to be just normal dogs that talk to each other but the film is inconsistent with that premise.

Sometimes the dogs are doing things that no dog can ever do like starting and driving a plane and also seemingly break the conversation barrier at times. There is one scene where Arnett is trying to get into the dog show's banquet, but the security guard wont let him in because he didn't have a dog with him at the time (even though no one else in the party had a dog either). Max eventually walks by and Arnett tells the guard that's his dog and the guard asks Max if he knows him and max says yes and they let him in. throughout the movie anytime the dogs say shit they don;t understand nothing they do, but i guess this guard is the dog whisperer or some shit. That's just one of many inconsistent things they do in this film that makes no sense, Hell even the kids were asking their parents what the hell is going on and I was sitting their waiting for an answer cause I damn sure didn't know what was going on neither. 


Is this movie the worse Movie of the year? Honestly, I don't think so. this movie never really pissed me off like some other movie *Cough " Life of the Party" Cough did, but this is not a good movie whatsoever. Even though I didn't like this movie, I cant give it my lowest rating since it didn't piss me off but I do highly suggest you Pass this shit because it's definitely not worth anyone's time. And parents, please don't take your kids to see this, if you do just know you're a terrible parent.

But hey that's just my opinion, what's really important is what you thought of the Movie. Did you see Show Dogs? If you did decide to torture yourself and watch this, what did you think of it? Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms by hitting them below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the 420 crew. Blaze it!


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