Solo: A Star Wars Story- Movie Review (Spoiler Free)

"Stars Wars just keeps printing money for Disney, guess that why they decided to make this Solo movie that not many fans wanted"

Solo: A Star Wars Story is directed by Ron Howard and stars Alden Ehrenreich as the new younger Han Solo, as he joins a group of smugglers that lead him on a few familiar mission we have heard about in other movies, as he tries to become the man we all have come to know and love. The movie was originally going to be directed by the team of Chris Miller and Phil Lord but lost the job because the higher-ups didn't quite like where they were going with the movie. Along with the director change, the movie had other hiccups including having to bring in acting coaches for Ehrenreich and a lot of reshoots that kinda made this movie seem like a pass. With all this bad press the fans were starting to lose faith in the movie before they even saw it, but it is a Star Wars movie so there is always a new hope, Get it haha, Nevermind. I am not one of those fans that feared the worse, so I went in with an open mind hoping to be surprised. Was the movie any good? Let's find out as I give you all the highs and all the downers of the movie and let you know if it was a good high or the downer everyone feared it would be.


New Crew, No Problem

One of the biggest issues people had with the movie is that Disney had the audacity to try to replace Harrison Ford with a new young guy they never heard of. No one wanted a new Solo since Ford was the perfect fit for the character, so Ehrenreich had a tough hill to climb if he wanted to impress the fans, and I have to say I didn't think he was that bad. Was he as good as Harrison Ford, no not at all, but honestly he didn't need to be. He played a younger version of Han so he wasn't supposed to be as charismatic and heroic as Fords version, and really played the role well as a young solo who is trying to discover himself. I also enjoyed the interactions he had with chewy throughout the movie that probably brought the best out of his character. From the trailers, I thought there could be a chance that he would blow my high in the role, but after watching the movie I felt he did enough to make the character his own and become the new Han Solo.

Another big character that people thought would be messed up by this prequel was the character of Lando Calrissian. Originally played by the smooth Billy Dee Williams, a lot of people thought that Donald Glover would not be able to even come close to the character, but he did a pretty good job as well of making the character his own. It was impossible to be as smooth as Billy Dee, but he did a great job of trying to match his smoothness and really stole the show in most of the scenes he was i. He might not have been Billy Dee, but I loved his portrayal of the character and actually left the theater wanting to see more of him, maybe in his own movie.

Fun Summer Adventure Movie

Going into the movie I wasn't expecting it to be an epic Star Wars movie that would rank up there with the originals, but I did want it to be a fun move at least and on that level, it didn't disappoint. The movie was a good traditional fun summer blockbuster that managed to keep me entertained throughout the whole movie. The action was solid and the chase scenes were thrilling and well worth seeing on the big screen. It also did a pretty good job of making a movie that the casual fans could go out and enjoy, instead of focusing on all the star wars lore. I thought they would spend a lot more time trying to please the hardcores by making a bunch of references and stuff, but honestly don't think they did too much of that and when they did they didn't focus heavily on it.  It might not be the Star Wars movie the hardcore sweaty nerds were craving, but as a normal stoner movie fan, I would have to say I enjoyed myself during the movie.


No solid villain

One of the biggest things this movie lacked was a true villain for the hero to go up against. Paul Bettany was supposed to be the villain in the movie but honestly did nothing in the movie. He appeared early in the film, but after that, you completely forget he was in the movie until they bring him up again near the end. There was really no point in him being in the movie, and I think the movie could have benefited from having a villain to really challenge the hero. With what little screen time Paul had he did fine in, but it wasn't near enough to make him memorable in the movie at all. 

A Star Wars Movie that Wasnt Needed

Another thing that made fans not want to see this movie, was that it was something they felt wouldn't add anything to the lure and it honestly didn't. Everyone had a pretty good understanding of who Han was from the originals and stuff, so there was really nothing this movie could add or do that would be interesting enough to warrant this movie. Everything they did do in the movie we knew already and didn't need to see play out on the big screen. Yes, it was cool to see Han meet Chewy and Lando and was cool to see them on the famous Kessel run, but after you get out of this movie you don't learn anything new or feel like your love of Star Wars has changed at all.  The stuff you would like to know about like his family, his life growing up, or even how and why he is such a good pilot they never really touch on at all in the movie. Clearly, this movie was made to cash in on Star Wars, because it honestly didn't change the way I felt about the character at all.


Is this movie going to be a movie of the year contender? Na, I don't think so, but was it good enough to pass as a good summer movie? Yeah, why not. Although the movie wasn't perfect, Solo: A Star Wars Story was still an entertaining movie that I think even the purest Star Wars fans can enjoy. This movie is probably some high-grade Reggie, nothing you want to rush out and see but definitely worth checking out eventually cause it is a fun adventure movie that might give you a good buzz. Everyone needs to just take a chill pill, maybe smoke a bowl and go out and see this movie, so they can stop bitching and see that this movie is not as bad as they feared.P.S there is a cameo in here that was pretty good that I'm sure will make a lot of the fans of Stars Wars cheer as well. 

But that's just what I thought of the movie, what's really important is what did you think about the movie? Did you think it was as bad as everyone said it would be? Did you like the new cast or still only want to see the original cast? We would love to know, so make sure you let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms by hitting them below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the blazed crew. Blaze it!


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