Trailer Roll-Up (May 16-22)

"All of this week's trailers rolled into one joint"

Every week we get flooded with trailer, some good and some bad.  Its hard to keep up with all of them, so we thought we'd help you out by at least letting you see the ones worth watching. Here are 5 of the latest most talked about trailers that dropped this past week all rolled up into one joint.

The Happy Time Murders 

Release Date: August 17,2018

The Happy Time Murders stars Melissa McCarthy as a police officer who is tasked to solve a string of puppet murders, who are basically a second class race. Although this movie features puppets it is definitely not something you want to take your kids to see. I didn't really have much interest in this movie until I saw this trailer and couldnt stop laughing. it is just, the first trailer, but if this is what we can expect I think ill have a good time getting blazed and going to see this movie. 


Release: October 19, 2018

No, I'm not tripping, this is another jungle book movie. Although we did just get a pretty good version of the jungle book, Warner Bros decided that they want to cash in on the property and made this one. Mowgli is said to be a darker telling of the story, and from the trailer does seem darker I guess. I do like a darker movie, but from this trailer, it just feels like we a are getting a repeat of the 2016 version from Disney. hopefully, they do something new with the story to make it there own, but I doubt it.

Mission Impossible: Fallout 

Release Date:  July 27, 2018

Tom Cruise just can't get enough of hurting himself it seems. He's back for the 6th installment of the MI franchise and this time it looks like this movie was made just so he could do a bunch of stunts. The story and stuff looks okay but the big thing that this trailer seems to be trying to sell us on is the stunts, which tom cruise loves to do. Although he did get hurt this time, it didn't stop him from finishing the movie which could be alright.



Release Date: August 24, 2018

A-X-L on the surface just seems like one of those basic kid films where some advance tech is discovered and it and the kid become friends. We seem to get one of these every year with Monster Trucks, Earth to echo and many more. None of these films are good, but here's hoping this one can change that trend (probably not)

Sorry to Bother You

Release Date: July 6, 2018

Probably the smallest film on the list, but what I think has potential to be pretty good. Sorry to bother You follows Cassius Green, played by Lakeith Sanders,  a telemarketer who discovers that having a "white voice" gets you pretty far in their industry. from the trailer it kinda reminds me of a telemarketing version of the Wolf of Wall Street which is one of my all time favorite movies, so here is hoping this can at least be half that.

So that's just some of the trailers that were released over the week. What did you think of them? any trailer I didn't mention that you feel are worth checking out? Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms by hitting them below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the blazed crew. Blaze it!


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