I Feel Pretty - Movie Review

"An Amy Schumer comedy about her weight, Ughhhhhhh"

I Feel Pretty is the latest comedy starring comedian Amy Schumer Rennee Bennette a girl who is insecure about her weight and appearance, until one day she hits her head and now thinks she is the finest woman around. I personally am not a fan of Amy Schumer herself. Her the last couple of movies weren't good to me and I don't really care for her stand up either so you can expect that I did not want to see this movie. But I went into this film Lit and with an open mind and was hoping to be surprised by this movie, and have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought.


Like I said I don't really care for Amy Schumer type of comedy. She is kinda like Rebel Wilson and Melissa McCarthy were the majority of her jokes come from her being fat and guys not wanting her because she's fat which is beyond played out to me, and yes that kinda stuff is in the movie, but she managed to use some other jokes in the movie that actually caught me by surprise and got a laugh out of me. I was surprised I was cracking up hard on one joke in the movie between her and Adrian Martinez that I had to catch myself and make sure no one saw we laugh so hard.wayyyy to long.  So yeah like I expected there were some stupid corny jokes, but I was surprised I actually laughed at a few jokes in the movie.
now with that good out of the way, there were a lot of stupid corny jokes in the movie that didn't hit with me or anyone else in that screening. you can tell like they thought it was supposed to be a joke, but it got like no reaction what so ever, Like with Michelle Williams character in the movie has a soft voice that's not that bad but they bring it up in a joke and we were like were we suppose to think she sounds weird or something. The way she goes overboard with the fat jokes in a few cases were funny, but the majority of the time they were misses that lasted


I mean the movie has other stars in the movie like Michelle Williams, Naomi Cambell, and Adrian Martinez, but the star and main focus of this movie is Amy's character Renee of course. I honestly don't remember the other characters in the film.
They didn't really do anything to make you really remember them, hell I probably couldn't tell any of the other characters names. Amy was pretty much herself in the film so the character felt natural hat's how she is in most of the movies that she is in, but in this movie, she was less annoying.

All in all In was surprised my high wasn't blown going to see this movie, I got a few good laughs in the movie but not enough to make me forgive a lot of the cheese stuff they did. I know I am not the target for her jokes so maybe someone who like her stuff will like this more, but I would only give this 3 out of 5 joints (which i thought would be way lower).

So have you seen I Feel Pretty? Are you Amy Schumer fan? Which one of her movies is your favorite? Let us know by sparking it up in the comment section. and be sure to follow us on our various social media platforms by hitting them below to stay up to date on the latest movie and entertainment reviews and news for the 420 crew. Blaze it!


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